Travel logs: Mixing business with pleasure...African Purse Wristlet
I love to travel. Every year, my family and I take a fun summer vacation to a new location. Because we have small children, we typically do an all inclusive resort because it gives us more choices for the kids and we don't have to try to log a stroller and a bunch of items around for the kids. At an all inclusive resort, we are right there where all the fun happens and we are a short distance from the beach, food, play areas, pools and nap time. A total win-win for everyone.
In August, my family and I took our annual family vacation to the beautiful island of St. Maarten. Unfortunately, St. Maarten was impacted by recent hurricane and our beautiful resort was impacted.
We had a great time with the kids and thankfully, the resort we stayed at had a few good things to keep the kids engaged. They had activities also but we never really participated in them. We chose instead to spend time at the pool and on the beach.
Since I am on a low carb high fat eating plan, I was very measured with what I ate. However, it is vacation afterall so I made sure every other day was an "off" day.
As I said earlier, part of the reason we chose to go with an all inclusive was to ensure we didn't have to log a bunch of items around with us. Having little kids means having a snack with you at all times. Including having wipes and a few other essentials. My phone, sunglasses, credit cards, cash all fit in there.
I chose to take the Rocky African Print wristlet with me and it was one of the best decisions because I took it EVERYWHERE!
The best part is that it is a wristlet which meant that I was able to just put it on my wrist and still have full use of my hands.
Here are some of my fun shots with my wristlet from our vacation.
My wristlet is on the bench.

Oh and did I mention I had a coin purse that fit in there. It was handy because if I just wanted to do a quick run to the store, I could just hook that on my keys and go.
The awesome thing about these wristlets is that you don't have to be tied to just one print. There are options! This is another in our Poppy African Print collection.
Did someone say "coin purse"? We also have an option in the Beshte African Print collection. You simply can't go wrong
Family vacations are fun especially when you can relax and not worry about what purse to carry or how to handle "on the go" items.